Data insights

Data-driven cash collection

Gain visibility and insights into your Accounts Receivable (AR) and effectively grow
your business

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Benefits of a Data-driven approach

Icon measure your efficiency

Measure your efficiency

Using historical data to understand your cash collection performance through DSO and CEI reports tracked in real-time.

icon identifying patterns

Identifying patterns

Analyzing past cash flow patterns to identify trends and anomalies, allowing your business to make proactive decisions around cash flows.

working capital management

Working capital management

Monitoring and optimizing the levels of accounts receivable, accounts payable, and cash cycles to ensure that working capital is effectively utilized.

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Data-driven strategies are based on actual customer behavior and historical patterns, leading to more accurate predictions and decisions.

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Risk mitigation

Predictive analytics can help identify potential payment issues before they become serious, reducing the risk of bad debts.

Strategic insights

Strategic insights

Data-driven analysis can provide insights into the overall financial health of the business and guide strategic decision-making.

Data-driven cash flow

Cash flow management is the process of monitoring, analyzing,
and optimizing the movement of money in and out of a business. By using data-driven strategies,
you can improve company’s cash flow in the following ways

Proactive decision-making

With access to real-time and historical data, businesses can make informed decisions proactively. This enables them to take timely actions to address potential cash flow shortfalls or excesses, ensuring that they are prepared for various financial scenarios.
A data-driven cash flow management approach allows your business to use data to create personalized communication strategies that appeal to each customer's preferences and circumstances,  and analyze data to determine the best time to contact customers for collections, increasing the likelihood of successful payments.

Picture proactive decision making
Picture risk management

Risk management

Data-driven cash flow management helps identify potential risks early on. Whether it's identifying customers with late payment patterns or assessing the impact of economic fluctuations, businesses can develop strategies to mitigate these risks and enhance financial stability.
Effective cash flow management ensures that a business has sufficient liquidity to meet its short-term obligations. By optimizing cash inflows and outflows, a company can reduce the need for short-term borrowing and associated costs.

Strategic planning

Data-driven insights can guide long-term strategic planning. Businesses can identify areas for growth, expansion, or diversification based on their cash flow trends and financial capabilities.
By analyzing cash flow data, businesses can better allocate their resources. This includes managing expenses, investments, and working capital more efficiently, leading to improved operational efficiency and reduced waste.

Strategic planning


Improve your workflow and gain insights into your business by tapping into an ecosystem of third-party tools.

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Cash collections on auto pilot

Keep your existing invoicing and accounting tools that you're using. Extend syncs directly with your accounting software so everything’s always in one place.

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Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer here? Check out our Help Center.

What information is required to get started with Extend?

To get started with Extend, some basic information and business details are required in order for us to verify your business.

Basic information required:

  • First, Last Name
  • Work Email
  • Work Phone (Optional)

Business Details:

  • Legal Business Name
  • Country of Registration
  • Business Website
  • Approximate Year Revenue
  • Industry
How do I edit my business information?

Please contact to update your business details such as legal name, business type, and email address. Only users with the role Admin can submit these changes on behalf of your business. 

I forgot my password, what should I do?

If you forget your Extend password, you can use the Forgot Password tool located on the login page to recover your password. You will be sent an email with instructions on how to reset your password. 

2023 New Customer Activation Terms & Conditions
invoice  barcode

Finance Teams,
ready to take the leap?

Accounts receivable workflow automation and flexible financing can have a significant impact on improving your cash flows.

Keep your existing invoicing and accounting tools that you 'reusing. Extend syncs directly with your accounting software so everything’s always in one place. You can easily mange your receivables process.

It’s like have a 24/7 virtual assistant completed dedicated to
cash collections. Free up time and collect cash faster.

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